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Logan Myers

Written by Hope DeLaRue


Saying Logan Myers is an active member of the Chaffee County community is an understatement. He became a local business owner in 2020 when he purchased Butterfield’s Carpet Cleaning, but he’s been living, working and volunteering in the area since moving here from Kansas in the early 2000’s.  


Sitting in front of a wall of his photographs which are displayed at Simple Eatery in downtown Buena Vista he enjoys a cool drink and says, “I'm a kayaker. The river was probably the biggest determining factor in wanting to be here… but also the mountains and the snow…” His love of the outdoors is what brought him to Chaffee County to begin with and it’s what has inspired his commitment to the many organizations he has been involved with since first coming to the area.


Logan has worked with, volunteered for and/or sat on the board of Greater Arkansas River Nature Association (GARNA), Friends of Browns Canyon (FOBC), The Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area Citizen’s Task Force and The Buena Vista Disk Golf Club, just to name a few.


When asked about the importance of service he says that he got involved to have a say, “You can’t criticize policy unless you’re involved in it.” In an effort to keep our outdoors well managed and  ensure preservation for the next generation he has committed to staying a part of the conversations. He initially noticed that most of these organizations had been run by retirees and felt it was important to bring varying perspectives to the discussions. Logan encourages people from all facets of our community to get involved where they can too, that way land managers and other policy makers hear from the locals and can then make well informed decisions to better protect our quality of life as well as that of the flora and fauna we live amongst.  


Logan takes photographs of the wild places he adventures through so he can “share the experiences and the sights that I am seeing when I am exploring Colorado.” While he gets out on the river with  friends, he enjoys hiking, backpacking and mountain biking alone or with his one year old golden retriever.  “I really like being alone with my thoughts and being able to listen to the wind in the trees or the birds,” he says. Logan finds each trip he takes into the outdoors to be unique and rewarding. The images he captures feature not only the incredible natural locations we have here in Colorado, but also the eye of an artist and the heart of a conservationist.  


©2025 by We Are Chaffee.

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